Jen’s professional career as a classroom teacher catalyzed her racial awakening as a white woman. She acknowledges the power and privilege she has had in living half of her life oblivious to her racial identity. The more her racial consciousness deepens the more she is able to process and move through the shame, guilt, and grief that accompanies this work. She consistently works to disrupt her own savior complexes, take responsibility for her mistakes, and continuously challenge deeply ingrained beliefs that do not align with her conscious mind. She is able to see the ways that race and particularly whiteness show up in the systems and structures of our relationships and institutions, creating barriers for all who do not conform to the dominant norm. She understands how impactful our individual identities are on a system and how damaging they can be if we are not conscious of the effect they have on the environments we create and/or contribute to.
Jen will partner with you in consultancy, as a coach, and in support of developing and facilitating learning environments and curriculum for children and adults alike. At the heart of her work is the ability to surface and disrupt social norms and conditioning that create barriers to personal transformation and inclusive communities.